洋甘菊敏感皮膚爽膚水 Chamomile Calendula Toner
Herbs'Oil其中一款暢銷產品, 專為敏感性和乾性肌膚研製的爽膚水 ,有效鎮靜舒緩皮膚的泛紅、痕癢情況,舒緩敏感情況並為皮膚有效保濕,同時亦幫助加強之後的護膚品吸收。
洋甘菊: 含有豐富的天藍烴,有鎮靜舒緩,在舒緩皮膚泛紅、痕癢情況上實屬首選,有助減輕皮膚刺激,提亮及均勻膚色。
蜂蜜: 蜂蜜中含豐富保濕成份,當中的蛋白質的分子大小與皮膚組織相近,親膚性高,能夠快速被肌膚吸收。
雪松精油: 有效改善肌膚因天氣或乾燥而導致的過度油脂分泌,同時亦具有收斂毛孔的作用。
溫馨提示2: 天氣炎熱,請將產品保存於陰涼地方。
Size: 118ml
Our most suitable toner for sensitive skin contains soothing ingredients and is 100% alcohol free. Chamomile calms irritated skin while the aloe vera juice base balances the skin’s pH and preps it for moisturizing. Not just any other toner, this product quells and calms skin problems, resulting in youthful, plump, hydrated, and healthy-looking skin.
Size: 118ml

洋甘菊敏感皮膚爽膚水 Chamomile Calendula Toner
Chamomile Extract, Calendula Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Honey Extract, Cedarwood Oil, Frankincense Oil, Leucidal Liquid
Other Ingredients
Leucidal Liquid
We constantly strive to offer the highest quality and most effective product formulations. Our website will always have the most updated ingredient lists.
How to Use
- 先搖勻
- 洗面後,將爽膚水倒於化妝棉輕抹上全臉及頸部(避開眼部區域)
- 按照個人日常保濕程序

Chamomile Extract, Calendula Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Honey Extract, Cedarwood Oil, Frankincense Oil, Leucidal Liquid
Other Ingredients
Leucidal Liquid
We constantly strive to offer the highest quality and most effective product formulations. Our website will always have the most updated ingredient lists.
How to Use
1. Shake well before use
2. After cleansing, apply a small amount of the toner onto a cotton pad and gently sweep over face and neck, avoiding immediate contact with eye area
3. Follow with your daily skincare routine
Please use within 6 months after opening.
Products may be made with naturally derived ingredients, which in rare cases may cause sensitivity in certain individuals. If sensitivity occurs, discontinue use immediately. If you are uncertain about possible sensitivity, always do a patch test before use or consult your healthcare professional.
Products may contain oils and butters from natural nuts, seeds and fruit. If you have any allergies please read the product label carefully. We recommend that people with sensitive skin perform a patch test first to ensure there is no reaction. Discontinue if irritation occurs.
Herbs’oil does not make a claim to cure or prevent any disease or medical problem and is not intended to substitute other therapy or medical advice. Products are not approved by the FDA to treat, cure or prevent any disease. In the case of pregnancy please consult with your health care professional. All products are for external use only.