粉紅泥海棠滋養皂 Pink Clay Bomb
這款Pink Clay Bomb 粉紅泥海棠滋養皂,擁有綿密滋養的質感,極致 Creamy ,非常適合較敏感的肌膚、濕疹、乾燥肌膚或主婦手使用,同時能有效淨化及舒緩肌膚,對新出的暗瘡印也有幫助。
最初,這款外型不討好的 Pink Clay Bomb 被我放在一邊,但在做皂師的再三督促下,我決定試用。沒想到一週後,我竟然驚喜地發現皮膚變得有光澤!雖然一開始我半信半疑,但發現這次經期來臨時,竟然沒有再出現石頭瘡。經過詳細了解,才知道做皂師使用了來自大溪地的珍貴琼崖海棠油 (Tamanu Oil)。這種純正的大溪地塔芒努油價格昂貴,若大家記得我們以前推出過的 Royal Hawaiian body oil,這款油的部分成分也來自這位供應商。
這批Pink Clay Bomb 由夏威夷製造,結合了法國粉紅泥與大溪地塔芒努油,經過精心配比,這款皂不僅不乾燥,還能提供滋潤感,適合敏感肌膚使用。如果你有主婦手的問題,可以試著用 Pink Clay Bomb 敷在手上 1 分鐘,然後塗上保濕乳液 ,對改善主婦手問題非常有效。
琼崖海棠油 (Tamanu Oil): 被譽為「大溪地寶藏」的多功能植物油,具有抗菌、加速肌膚修復、舒緩皮膚敏感和調理油脂的功效,對濕疹和敏感肌膚有卓越的修復效果。
法國粉紅泥(French Pink Clay): 溫和的淨化成分,有效清潔毛孔,去除雜質,適合敏感肌膚。
羊奶(Goat Milk): 含有豐富的維他命D,能深層滋潤肌膚,讓肌膚柔軟光澤,改善膚質。
這款Pink Clay Bomb 是您日常護膚的理想選擇,特別適合需要高效修護和滋養的肌膚!
Size: 4oz
Key Ingredients
Tamanu Oil, Olive Oil, Pink Clay
We constantly strive to offer the highest quality and most effective product formulations. Our website will always have the most updated ingredient lists.
How to Use
- 首先用水濕潤臉部
- 在手心搓揉出泡沫
- 再用泡沫洗面(請勿直接用皂直接搓上面)
- 完成後,請用水徹底沖洗全臉,
- 輕輕拍乾。
- 然後再使用爽膚水及正常的護膚品。

Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Calendula Oil, Grapefruit Essential Oil
We constantly strive to offer the highest quality and most effective product formulations. Our website will always have the most updated ingredient lists.
How to Use
1. Wet your face with warm water
2. Lather the soap bar between your palms
3. Gently massage the lather onto your face using upward circular motions
4. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat dry with a soft clean towel
5. Continue with your daily skin care routine
Please use within 1 year after receiving.
Products may be made with naturally derived ingredients, which in rare cases may cause sensitivity in certain individuals. If sensitivity occurs, discontinue use immediately. If you are uncertain about possible sensitivity, always do a patch test before use or consult your healthcare professional.
Products may contain oils and butters from natural nuts, seeds and fruit. If you have any allergies please read the product label carefully. We recommend that people with sensitive skin perform a patch test first to ensure there is no reaction. Discontinue if irritation occurs.
Herbs’oil does not make a claim to cure or prevent any disease or medical problem and is not intended to substitute other therapy or medical advice. Products are not approved by the FDA to treat, cure or prevent any disease. In the case of pregnancy please consult with your health care professional. All products are for external use only.