粒粒清洗面啫喱 Jelly Cleanser 177ml
常因痘痘產生紅腫、疼痛等不適,發炎期的痘痘肌膚更需要的,是溫和、零負擔的清潔淨化工作。Clarifying Jelly Cleanser 是一款以 Clarify(淨化)及 Glow(天然透亮)作肌膚修護重點,針對痘痘肌或期間的敏弱性肌膚而設的溫和淨肌配方。
清潔力過強的潔面乳,不但會對肌膚產生刺激,同時容易一次清走皮膚原有的健康油脂,反而愈洗愈乾燥繃緊、愈來愈容易產生痘痘粉刺。Clarifying Jelly Cleanser 的不起泡啫喱質感,能提供溫和舒適的肌膚深層清潔,淨化疏通毛孔,同時有助調節皮膚油脂分泌,改善皮膚健康狀態。
潔面乳採用高濃度草本萃取配方,蘊含薑黃萃取及檸檬香蜂草水,有效促進皮膚代謝,紓緩鎮靜肌膚;配合備燕麥萃取,紓緩肌膚不適之餘,並強化肌膚屏障,讓肌膚更快回復健康狀態、煥發天然光澤,同時讓你重拾與肌膚 Skinationship™。
為了達到最佳的效果,請配合Clarifying Glow Booster Spot Treatment 使用
草本紓緩配方 :蘊含洋甘菊萃取、薰衣草萃取、甘草根萃取等草本萃取精華,提供肌膚降紅紓敏作用,撫平並改善因痘痘炎症而產生的肌膚粗糙、暗啞。
Size: 177ml
溫馨提示:天氣炎熱, 請將產品保存於陰涼地方。

(痘痘肌之選) CGB潔面啫喱
Aloe Vera Gel, Decyl Glucoside, Sodium Lauryl Glycol Carboxylate, Vegetable Glycerin, Oat Extract, Seaweed Extract, Coco-Glucoside, Caprylyl Glycol, Glyceryl Caprylate, Decyl Glucoside, Pentylene Glycol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Comfrey Root Extract,Morinda Citrifolia (Noni ) Fruit Extract, Chamomile Flower Extract, Calendula Flower Extract, Lavender Flower Extract, Turmeric Extract, Xanthan Gum, Sea Buckthorn Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Ethylhexylglycerin, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Citric Acid
We constantly strive to offer the highest quality and most effective product formulations. Our website will always have the most updated ingredient lists.
How to Use
- 首先用水濕潤臉部 。
- 再將五元般大小的份量倒在手心,輕輕打圈、按摩全臉。
- 完成後,請用水徹底沖洗全臉 。
- 輕輕拍乾。
- 然後再使用爽膚水及正常的護膚品。
常因痘痘產生紅腫、疼痛等不適,發炎期的痘痘肌膚更需要的,是溫和、零負擔的清潔淨化工作。Clarifying Jelly Cleanser 是一款以 Clarify(淨化)及 Glow(天然透亮)作肌膚修護重點,針對痘痘肌或期間的敏弱性肌膚而設的溫和淨肌配方。
Products may be made with naturally derived ingredients, which in rare cases may cause sensitivity in certain individuals. If sensitivity occurs, discontinue use immediately. If you are uncertain about possible sensitivity, always do a patch test before use or consult your healthcare professional.
Products may contain oils and butters from natural nuts, seeds and fruit. If you have any allergies please read the product label carefully. We recommend that people with sensitive skin perform a patch test first to ensure there is no reaction. Discontinue if irritation occurs.
Herbs’oil does not make a claim to cure or prevent any disease or medical problem and is not intended to substitute other therapy or medical advice. Products are not approved by the FDA to treat, cure or prevent any disease. In the case of pregnancy please consult with your health care professional. All products are for external use only.